Sunday, January 31, 2016

CT Step 31 - I must learn to use the power that has been given to me. – Journal – CT Step 30

Today:  CT Step 31 - I must learn to use the power that has been given to me. (MP3)

I must learn to use the power that has been given to me. CT Step 31

Great power has been given to you. It is yours to receive and to apply, but you must learn how to use it, or it will not come forth, and you will not understand what it means or how it can serve the world in which you live.

Therefore, give yourself to become a student of Knowledge, to learn about the nature of power and grace and how it can be received, applied and employed in a world of conflict, in a world that is at risk now of losing its freedom in the Greater Community. Do not lose this opportunity. Let circumstances today show you the need for Knowledge. Let the trials and tribulations of the world demonstrate this to you as it can over and over and over again until there is no doubt left in your mind.

In your long practice in stillness and in your hourly practice in awareness and discernment, exercise this authority. Utilize it. This whole program of preparation is giving you a structure, a direction and a step-by-step training in accessing your spiritual power and utilizing it constructively in the world. Become then a recipient of Grace and a contributor of Grace, but to do this you must discover your own authority and exercise it wisely.

Practice 31:    One 30-minute stillness practice.
                         Contemplation practice.
                         Hourly practice.

Picture:  Power line towers, Carson Trail, Warren County, Virginia. April 1, 2015

8:15 a.m. Monday, September 24, 2001 – Where am I? Embodied – among others. Instead of worship of the creator, the challenge is to understand the creation.

10:55 p.m. Getting ready for contemplation. A long day @ work. Meeting in a.m. with Luray & Shenandoah about the water authority – … Shenandoah County and their Towns were a tough two hour meeting. When I got home, there was a call from Mom. They need to move Dad to the Hamilton Home. It will be hard…they've never been apart for more than a couple of days in 55 years. Called Sarah – she's sounding fine. I sent her a phone card and cash. Then I ate – and now sit to contemplate. TV on – no sound – Green Bay leads Washington 13 – 7 – 3rd quarter – Monday Night Football. My computer has crashed – tomorrow to the shop.

Step 30 – "To realize my strength, I must exercise my authority".

What is "my authority"? The text says it is "a great authority, which you must now claim and use wisely for a greater purpose". If neglected, then I'm under the power of other authorities in the world. "Authorities of governments, religious beliefs, family & the tyranny of all the social conditioning". This seems like all of life –

On the drive to Luray I thought about it. The only thing I’ve any authority in is cooperation ~ The regional thing. That didn't seem to be what was referred to, yet – it is not political, religious or social conditioning. The cooperation I see is not of government, but of people.

Thinking, thinking, thinking. We continue.


Note: If you’ve some interest, but this is the first time you’ve seen Steps, you should go to the beginning blog post. From here you will learn about Steps to Knowledge and can begin it on the day that makes sense; then progress as needed. Begin at the beginning.

If you do know about Steps, but have not done Steps twice completely, read the related materials, and have a sense of the direction of this study, you won’t get the experience. The Introduction begins:

“This is the Steps to Knowledge Continuation Training. It is designed to build upon the Steps that were learned in Steps to Knowledge to enable you to experience the grace, the power and the direction of Knowledge in your life and to become an expression of Knowledge in everything that you do. If you have completed the book, Steps to Knowledge, twice through and have followed the instructions as they were given without altering the curriculum in any way, then you are now ready to begin this more advanced study”.

If you are an independent student, that is certainly an option. Posts here provide a trail that may let you have a virtual companion when and if you want one. One may have to study alone, as I did in the beginning. There are other Steps students blogging their experience and you might find a person more like you as a companion, or use a number of such Steps journeys. There are options as well through the Free School of the New Message.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

CT Step 30 - To realize my strength, I must exercise my authority. – Journal – CT Step 29

Today:  CT Step 30 - To realize my strength, I must exercise my authority. (MP3)
To realize my strength, I must exercise my authority. CT Step 30

The Creator has given you great authority in the world, a great authority which you must now claim and use wisely for a greater purpose. Neglecting this authority casts you under the power of other authorities in the world—the authorities of governments, the authorities of religious beliefs, the authorities of family and the tyranny of all the social conditioning which can oppress you and which can deny you access to Knowledge and your great inheritance.

Surely now is the time to discover this authority and to exercise it as greater persuasive powers are being cast over the world from those visiting from the Greater Community. They will utilize their abilities to fulfill their own goals and commitments. Therefore, you must stand up for what is true within yourself and you must guard your mind against intrusion and against false persuasion, in all of its manifestations.

Think about this today as you travel about the world and carry out your worldly activities. Think about your mind and whether you really control it or not. Think about how much of its power is given to you and how much of it is given to all of the other forces to which you bow down. Recognize how little personal freedom there really is in the world and how little of it is utilized, and you will gain a greater commitment to preserve your own mind and to dedicate it to a greater purpose, the true purpose that is yours to claim and to fulfill.

As you practice upon the hour, exercise your authority. Do not let circumstances or neglect prevent you from utilizing each opportunity to strengthen yourself and everyone around you. Your greater authority must be reclaimed, and this is your opportunity to reclaim it.

Practice 30:   One 30-minute stillness practice.
                         Contemplation practice.
                         Hourly practice.

Picture:  In Utah, in route from Salt Lake City to Moab on  U.S. 6 E. Being “in the driver’s seat” is an expression of exercise of authority. Various strengths are required, mental, physical and emotional, depending upon the vehicle and the situation. There is an obligation to be responsible.

9:01 a.m. September 23, 2001 – Sunday

Step 29 – "I wish to Know my own strength". Achieving stillness opens a path for the emergence of K. It is my desire to achieve that for the world and my spiritual and earthly family. The biological/relationship crew is often a drain, so I need lots of strength, though I don't know how to use it. In checking relationships for 4 Pillars – nothing new came to mind, though the prior five hours had been spent listening to Cindy…. I suggested a wireless network in order that the phone not be tied up when she's on the Internet. She was shocked; ignored the issue, then was offended that I brought it up at dinner, then was sick and left the restaurant. She drove home and I had to listen to her rant about the kids. She was/is offended anytime I suggest she read something. She feels that I'm still "Christ, Children, Career" – as I told David my focus was. She didn't hear that I said family, including Jamie.

Of course K didn't have to tell me the relationship has problems. That has always been the case. It comes and goes; but has been more persistent in the last few months. What Cindy is getting is exactly what she wanted in terms of a relationship.

6:40 p.m. Orphan trail, 5 trees – Where am I? The Stillness exercise done – Stillness easier to achieve in the woods – though I'm not that distant from traffic noise. People could be on the trail. I was surprised to see one young man as I came here.

– This day saw on C-SPAN 2 – Victor Davis Hanson talking about his book "Carnage and Culture" and how the Western notions of war came to have the West dominate the planet. It is a militarist way, yet based on the notions of freedom and responsibility of the troops.

As has been recorded in these journals often – and as I reacted this a.m. – I have a military soul and a steely eye to find. That was revealed to me in earlier healings and, of course, I know my own sense. It is the Prussian in me? The cause of response to the Jihad of Bin Laden and the fundamentalist Muslims is real. But I responded more to the need for planetary defense and a single-minded humanity. Religious fanaticism cannot defend humanity. The downside of the Western way of war is when it is applied one Western nation against another.

For my goal of regional community and the important role of security and community – I need to understand the military, strategist mind of me and my culture.

Why is there so much to process, especially since I’ve been working at it so long? Your journals and exercise times may be occupied with different issues, in greater or lesser volume. There is a promise of resolution – and there has been much of that in the prior two years of Steps, but there’s always more to understand it seems. So, we continue.


Note: If you’ve some interest, but this is the first time you’ve seen Steps, you should go to the beginning blog post. From here you will learn about Steps to Knowledge and can begin it on the day that makes sense; then progress as needed. Begin at the beginning.

If you do know about Steps, but have not done Steps twice completely, read the related materials, and have a sense of the direction of this study, you won’t get the experience. The Introduction begins:

“This is the Steps to Knowledge Continuation Training. It is designed to build upon the Steps that were learned in Steps to Knowledge to enable you to experience the grace, the power and the direction of Knowledge in your life and to become an expression of Knowledge in everything that you do. If you have completed the book, Steps to Knowledge, twice through and have followed the instructions as they were given without altering the curriculum in any way, then you are now ready to begin this more advanced study”.

If you are an independent student, that is certainly an option. Posts here provide a trail that may let you have a virtual companion when and if you want one. One may have to study alone, as I did in the beginning. There are other Steps students blogging their experience and you might find a person more like you as a companion, or use a number of such Steps journeys. There are options as well through the Free School of the New Message.

Friday, January 29, 2016

CT Step 29 - I wish to know my own strength. – Journal – CT Step 28

Today:  CT Step 29 - I wish to know my own strength. (MP3)

I wish to know my own strength. CT Step 29

You have great untapped strength waiting within you, a greater ability that the Creator has bestowed upon you and upon each individual. If this cannot be found, discovered and applied in life, it is a great misfortune, both for you and for those who would benefit from it.

Therefore, we bring you back to your great strength—-the strength of Knowledge within you. It is not your personal strength. It is a greater strength that has been given to you. Prepare yourself to receive it. Learn how to carry it and how to apply it in the world, and you shall be a light in the world. You shall bring great hope into the world and promise for the future.

Utilize this strength today in your one long practice in silence. Do not let your mind wander. Dedicate yourself to being present in your practice. In your hourly practice of awareness and discernment when you are out in the world, exercise your own authority and bring this practice to bear. Utilize this practice to gain a greater strength and wisdom, which you need even at this moment.

Practice 29:   One 30-minute stillness practice.
                        Hourly practice.

Picture:  Para-glider - Boulder, Colorado - October 7, 2014 

Yesterday:  CT Step 28 – REVIEW

First, points from note cards:

22 – I must understand the greater movement of the world. … If you think about it, you will see that there are so many things that people cannot respond to emotionally or intellectually. … You are preparing for the future in a way that will enable you to be in the future with a greater strength and efficacy.

23 – Today I will use conflict to deepen my experience of Knowledge. … You are sent to serve the world. To do this, you must recognize conflict but you must approach it in a certain way or you cannot be a force for resolution. … You need to be able to: retrieve yourself back to a position of discernment.

24 – The Unseen Ones are with me. … They … serve as a reminder of your Ancient Home, of your Spiritual Family and of your greater purpose in being here. (not merely for survival and gratification) (they cannot do your work for you)

25 – Hope in the world is rekindled by those who become strong with Knowledge. Hope can fade away and then can be reignited…. Hope rests with you … Become the hope and all self-hatred will disappear from your mind.

26 – Through the study in Greater Community Spirituality, you have been given a new perspective and a vantage point from which to see. Gain this vantage point. Utilize this perspective. And you will see what could not be seen otherwise. The GC is the bigger picture of your life. … Your future is in the GC. Your work is in the GC. Your preparation is for the GC. … this is the time when people must learn to prepare and to become educated about life, reality and spirituality within the larger context of their lives. … Seek to know more. Ask to know more. Try to penetrate the veil that keeps you from understanding life at a higher level.

27 – I must learn to be discreet today. … Do not talk about your important insights. Let them grow. See if they are valid. Do not talk about them immediately. Let the pressure build. Develop that depth. … allow questions to be unanswered.

28 – Review - Come back to your Pillars with as little fear and preference as possible because you want to practice seeing and knowing. Do not try to protect anything. … Which Pillars – weak, requires attention? Where am I @ risk? Where is my life jeopardized? Where can I be undermined?"

From the journal: 9:30 a.m. Saturday, September 22, 2001.

On waking – printing out U.S. Senate on letterhead – Homeland Security – both a resource and a methodology – 60s – Intergovernmental review – 21st century intergovernmental security. Networking those whose job it is to be alert.

Cell phone critical – yet the GIS map base in rural America is not in place. It is too heavy a burden for the local tax base to carry.

Security without mass conformity.

The transportation network, which supports our just-in-time must be protected.

If flow is interrupted – we are challenged.

9:50 a.m. … It is Saturday. I have the review to do. We are going to Hagerstown. I am motivated to push regional community recognition: make more visible the Infrastructure of regions

– Those whose constituents are spread over a greater area naturally need to group geographically those they need to contact. When House districts change, the Regional Councils are resources to get Congressman & women oriented to their new geography – to get a quick overview – and to work on the development of long-term capacity – Battlefields, Transportation, Tourism – – and to be an intermediary between Federal, State and local.

Virginia's PD approach has been more successful – due to its community building approach.

Localism can be scaled up to the region – by making it a regional community –

Virginia has made the regional table valuable with the Regional Partnership. The EDA and ARC programs do the same. MPO – fragments the region – by only investing in urban areas. Virginia resolved that problem with its rural transportation planning program in 1995 –

UU> Begin with the map – outside – Where are we?

How do we look from heaven? God watches over us. As a young boy – How does he do that?

– Emergency response has historically been organized as local governments centered – with the Chief Elected Officials in charge. State and Federal levels provide backup and assistance.

– Changes in the US settlement patterns since the 1950s have led to the need for regional responses, not only in the city centered metropolitan areas, but in rural America.

– In the current focus on Homeland Security I would like to bring to higher visibility the Regional Counsel network in Virginia and those in other states as a resource and methodology. The key aspect of regional councils is the involvement of local elected officials.

Note complete this letter dictation later:

11:26 p.m. Long Practice – Review of Pillars – 4 pillars – all answers. No.

The relationship with Cindy appears hopeless. This is not new. I've no answers there except further isolation.

Oh dear, progress, but no progress. We continue.


Note: If you’ve some interest, but this is the first time you’ve seen Steps, you should go to the beginning blog post. From here you will learn about Steps to Knowledge and can begin it on the day that makes sense; then progress as needed. Begin at the beginning.

If you do know about Steps, but have not done Steps twice completely, read the related materials, and have a sense of the direction of this study, you won’t get the experience. The Introduction begins:

“This is the Steps to Knowledge Continuation Training. It is designed to build upon the Steps that were learned in Steps to Knowledge to enable you to experience the grace, the power and the direction of Knowledge in your life and to become an expression of Knowledge in everything that you do. If you have completed the book, Steps to Knowledge, twice through and have followed the instructions as they were given without altering the curriculum in any way, then you are now ready to begin this more advanced study”.

If you are an independent student, that is certainly an option. Posts here provide a trail that may let you have a virtual companion when and if you want one. One may have to study alone, as I did in the beginning. There are other Steps students blogging their experience and you might find a person more like you as a companion, or use a number of such Steps journeys. There are options as well through the Free School of the New Message.